
Friday, December 23, 2011

Note from Santa


I will be fairly occupied next week, so expect the doodles to resume Monday, January 2nd.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

HEY! Stay in your pit!


For those feverishly fretting over yesterday's absence of post, I assure you, I was occupied by an epic robot battle. Many servos gave their lives. A moment of silence, please.


Dove into Stephen King's novel, Duma Key. It eats up my time like a..some sort of a...a time-eating, uh, monster. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

100th Postiversary

This is my special 100th Post, with loads of extra content. Actually, not really. It's not like a real blog where I write about stuff-- it's just scanning doodles. So if you expected a huge celebration with guest appearances and stuff, stick around for post 200. It will be as amazing as a koala giving birth to a whale (hopefully not as painful).

Meanwhile, enjoy the doodles.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hey There, Monster!


Added some Facebook and Twitter stuff on the right-hand column. Check it out, it will be very incredible.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Good Bye, Arlette


I was reading Stephen King the night before this doodle happened. Bonus points if you can name the story.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Everything Happens at Once


Scanner courtesy of Craigslist. An older model Canoscan, but it works well with my old OS.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Amaia the Mad

Next in our filler series is this piece of work done 5 years ago. It accompanied a story I wrote about an insane woman. Don't ask any questions, please.

Going scanner shopping this weekend. Wish me luck.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The First Chaos

To continue the filler portion of my blog [I am sans scanner], I present an 11-year-old scan of my first chaos drawing. I don't know why I call them that, but I reckon it's based on the whole page being filled with nonsense. 

I still draw them sometimes, but for the recent ones in doodle form:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Deadfront Jack vs. Carcinobeast

Since the scanner is kaput, I feel bad not posting. I should have a replacement scanner in a week or so. In the meantime, I'll post some drawings I scanned a long time ago starring Deadfront Jack.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Scanner Update

I've accepted the fact that I will have to get a new scanner.

Why? Because this is the only thing I can find pertaining to the error code:

So that's strike 2 for Canon scanners. Maybe I'll just take pictures of the doodles with 35mm disposable cameras, then have Walgreens put them on CD--you know, keep it simple.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Not Again

The scanner is broken again. I will try to fix or replace it. Check back next Monday.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Wednesday's Depressing Fact: The blonde girl that's in all of the Poltergeist movies (they're here...) died at age 12 from a heart attack.

Wednesday's Uplifting Fact: Tomorrow is Thursday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Open Your Mind

I know it looks like I just folded two notes in half, then scanned them as one, but you're right. 

I would say this latest series of scans has been a lull in my doodling. Looking ahead, it will pick up again. My Bic mechanical finally ran out of lead a few weeks ago, so the next batch of doodles is mainly #2HB pencil scribbles--wait, I meant to say something interesting. Sorry.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I very rarely use sticky notes for lists. I prefer 3x5 index cards. I have a huge cache of them at hand. This doodle began as a list, but slowly mutated into a useless piece of paper (i.e., a doodle).

To reiterate, If I could only have three things while stranded on an island, it would be:

  1. Knife
  2. Pen
  3. Index Cards

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Going Down

There are so many things that could happen in this doodle:

1) The cephalocarrot-mantid could leap aside at the last minute, sending the horse and carriage over the cliff.
2) The walkway could give way, dropping everything into a pool of sentient spaghetti
3) The horse could bite the head off the mantid, then later die from botulism

Whatever happens, there's no way to back up or turn around, so I think they're either stuck or bound to leap off.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Give Me FUEL

Dunkin Donuts makes the world's greatest coffee. Ziltoid would be assuaged. We don't have a DD franchise in Idaho, but their ground coffee is sold here. Above is my calculation of cost of coffee per day. It is obsolete, though, as I found a cheaper supplier that equates to $0.66 per day.

I recently inhaled a sip of said coffee. It was a painful yet pleasant bout of coughing for a few minutes. I will do it again sometime for that extra buzz.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wolves Must Die

Started digging through my old notepads. Not a lot of material other than numbers, but I'll see if I can't find some gems. I won't hold my breath, though, because then I would die.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Don't think I need an excuse to post twice on the same day, but just in case:
Help--my brain has been overcome by soul-stealing aliens that demand the leftovers from the chili I made. The only way to make them quiet is by posting demented doodles on an obscure blog multiple times on Tuesdays.

The Ethereal Toast of Tuesday

Monday, October 31, 2011


Halloween. My office is right next to the front door, so I hear all the ghouls and goblins. I left a bowl of candy out there with the note: Happy Halloween! Please Help Yourself!

The bowl ran out of candy about 30 minutes ago, and I'm now enjoying the various exclamations of disappointment from trick-or-treaters.
I might just start out this way next year, and save myself $16 in candy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Distracted While Designing


Preparation for some tinkering, if you couldn't tell. Even when focused, I doodle. It might be a problem.

My current project is on hiatus, awaiting some hardware.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Are You Vaccinated?

Sidenote: Notes located on the side.

Another note: My doodling implements are slowly depleting. My Pilot is done (massive loss of ink), and my Bic mech ran out of lead. It's as if I've been using them regularly. Weird. Anyways, you may see some crappy biro art [in a few weeks--you must account for my built-in backlog] for a while until I stop by OfficeMax for some Pilots, or suitable replacements.

Pen recommendations are welcome.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Die, Poltergeist! Die!

Yeah, don't really know if there's a poltergeist in this picture. If there was, you'd never know, though, so it's plausible.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Commander Capacitor

Some initial designs. I will upload some pics and maybe a video when it's done.

What? What is it? You'll see..